
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Paxton Owen {2 Months}

Why hello blog, it's been a while.  Let's blame it all on this joining the work force again … BOO!  Well, Happy 2 Months to this sweet little guy.  We had our 2 month check-up today, so lots of new stats to report on!  We have quite the grower on our hands.  Looking back at Cade's stats from this point, Pax is 2 lbs heavier and almost 3" longer!!

Weight: 11lbs 14.6 oz // 49th percentile
Height: 23" // 57th percentile
Head: 15.2" // 40th percentile

As mentioned before, this little guy loves to eat.  He is a quick eater most of the time, we're usually wrapped up in 20-30 minutes, we've definitely got this down :)  Being back to work means I'm having to pump more :/ , but it's totally worth it!  I've been able to pump quite a bit while at work (generally about 11-16oz depending on how often I'm pumping).  I'm still not worried at all at this point about keeping up with the little guy.  He's still eating about every 3 or so hours, but it looks like we might be making the move to every 4 hours (fingers crossed!!)

Pax still loves his sleep.  He generally eats last around 7 or 8 and has still been sleeping until about 2am, then back up anywhere between 5 and 6 for another feeding.  We still swaddle from the armpits down and we seem to have outgrown the snug-a-bunny, so we've moved to the pack-n-play and have had no issues with the transition so far.  This guys sleeping pattern has made going back to work way easier than with Cade and I feel so much more rested … PHEW!!

We're still enjoying lots of tummy time, although he tends to roll right onto his back rather quickly, so I'm not sure how much he truly enjoys it ;)  We are borrowing the kick and play piano from our awesome neighbor and he absolutely LOVES it.  His legs are always moving and kicking a mile a minute and he loves following his big brother and watching his every move!  Cade is still doing great with him and is definitely the super protective big brother!  

Happy two months sweet boy!

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