
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Paxton Owen {8 Months}

It's official. Pax has been elevated to big boy status. He no longer looks like the little baby that came home from the hospital.  He looks like a little boy.  I find it rather difficult to believe that he will be a year old in just four short months.  In the meantime, I'll cherish every single second before we reach that milestone.  Be still my heart.

Pax man is still breastfeeding, although he is seemingly become slightly disengaged.  He eats well in the morning, but then the feedings are getting shorter and shorter throughout the day.  I'm assuming it's the real food that's making him decrease his milk consumption, but we'll keep chugging along.  This little guy loves to eat real food. Any real food.  I think he's had everything imaginable now and I typically don't hesitate before giving him anything.  He gums everything down before he swallows, so he can usually eat what everyone else is eating.  He loves to chase after Cade and his beloved "nack" cup.  Cade is not the best sharer, but we're definitely working on that :)

I'm extremely hesitant to post this because I know once it's in words, all will change.  This little guy has finally started sleeping through the night again.  He was at a point where he was waking up once at night, but that has been eliminated. I think he's finally figured out how to self soothe, phew.  He typically will go down around 8 and sleep until about 5 or 6.  He'll get up and eat, then go back down for a couple of hours.  His naps have gotten better during the day and he seems to be consistently taking 2 solid naps and a cat nap in the evening.  I think putting him on a little schedule has helped his sleeping habits tremendously!

Pax is constantly on the move.  Whether it's chasing the dogs, mini vac or his big brother, this boy has places to go and things to do.  He crawls like a champ and I'm afraid that walking will come soon (I totally won't be sad if he doesn't walk until he's a year).  He loves all of his toys and his big brother's toys.  It won't be long before they're both playing together and building towers out of their blocks.  He still enjoys time in his jumparoo, although it is short-lived lately.  Pictures with him are becoming harder and harder too because he finds it really annoying to have to sit still while mama tries to take a million pictures ;)

Happy eight months sweet boy!

Really, more pictures??

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter

Happy Easter Y'all.  Hope everyone up north is unthawing and finally seeing a glimpse of spring.  The weather has been quite perfect down here (not to rub it in or anything). We have been enjoying lots of warm temperatures, plenty of sunshine and many trips to the park.  

We spent last weekend dying our Easter eggs because this mama had to work Easter weekend.  I figured a toddler + dying eggs at 6:30 at night would turn into a total shit show, hence the reason for doing them early.  Cade didn't quite get the hang of dying Easter eggs.  He was attempting to throw his eggs in the cups and fish them out with his hands.  Good thing we prepped the floor with newspaper and him with his art smock ;)

The boys both slept until 7 this morning, so they got up and came downstairs. The Easter bunny "hid" Cade's basket, but didn't do a great job because he found it right away :)  He enjoyed going through his basket and Pax's basket.  He envisioned that everything was his and nothing was for Pax.  We're still working on this sharing thing!  I only put a little candy in his basket, but of course there were M&Ms and that seems to be our favorite word right now. The little stinker wakes up and goes to bed asking for "m m m m m m." We had a yummy breakfast, then mama headed into work for the day, BOO!  But I still got to spend plenty of time with them when I got home.

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