
Sunday, March 30, 2014


Macho Man's New Moves

Little man has learned some new moves that include climbing up onto the bed - I think it's safe to say we're in trouble now!  And if you're wondering why he's naked, we've been fighting diaper rash for over a month now, so any chance we get, we let him run around free and wild to help air things out :P

20 Weeks

Baby Size: 6.5" and 11 oz (about the size of a banana)
Fun Facts: Taste buds are developed and working and baby is gulping lots of amniotic fluid (I can't say this sounds great!)
How far along: 20 weeks
Gender: Unknown to Mama and everyone else! 
Weight gain: 10 lbs
Maternity clothes: Lots of leggings, thinking about moving into my maternity pants this week, it's all about the comfort now :)
Stretch Marks: No
Belly button in or out: Ready to pop at any moment
Sleep: Great
Best moment this week: Getting to see Baby W on the ultrasound
Miss anything: Besides boobs, not really!
Movement: Lots of squirming around
Cravings: Sweets, sweets, sweets and more sweets - trying to fill my cravings with lots of fruit!
Queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: The beautiful week ahead that will FINALLY feel like spring - bring on the SUN :)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

19 Weeks

Baby Size: 6" and 8.5 oz (about the size of a mango)
Fun Facts: Baby is developing a greasy, white coating all over its skin. Working on developing senses (taste, sight, hearing and smell)
How far along: 19 weeks
Gender: Unknown (2 days until Daddy finds out) 
Weight gain: 9 lbs
Maternity clothes: Rocking a little bit of both - I'm moving more into the maternity style, much more comfortable!
Stretch Marks: No
Belly button in or out: Ready to pop at any moment
Sleep: Great now!
Best moment this week: Enjoying the wonderful sunshine these past few days with the fam
Miss anything: Besides boobs, not really!
Movement: Getting more and more noticeable
Cravings: Nothing unusual
Queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: Mother Nature getting her meds straight - it's almost April, enough with the cold weather!!!!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

18 Weeks

Baby Size: 5.6" and 6.7 oz (about the size of a sweet potato)
Fun Facts: Baby is yawning, hiccuping, swallowing and sucking, all while moving around a ton!
How far along: 18 weeks
Gender: Unknown (2 weeks until Daddy finds out) 
Weight gain: 8.5 lbs
Maternity clothes: Rocking a little bit of both - I'm moving more into the maternity style, much more comfortable!
Stretch Marks: No
Belly button in or out: Ready to pop at any moment
Sleep: Finally back to normal (knock on wood, no getting up to pee in the middle of the night)
Best moment this week: Spending Friday with the little man.  We had a mama and Cade day that include lots of errands, but also a breakfast date.
Miss anything: Besides boobs, not reallY!
Movement: Little flutters now and then
Cravings: Nothing unusual (I made the mistake of buying lucky charms and forgot how magically delicious those were!)
Queasy or sick: Feeling good, getting a little bogged down with allergy season now, but feeling much better!
Looking forward to: Warm Weather - This cold crap can go away, I'm ready for sunshine and bathing suits :)

I couldn't leave without posting a few of this awesome little guy!  He was hamming it up for the camera big time :)  Lately, this little man has been into EVERYTHING, which is why I'm dying for warmer weather to get him outside, rather than keep him cooped up.  We were able to get out twice this weekend for a walk and some park time which he thoroughly enjoys.

He is so ready to talk, but most of his communication is in the form of jibber jabbers still.  We have mama and dada down, along with kitty and what seems like doggy.  Once this guy starts talking, I have a feeling he is never going to stop.  We're working on sign language with him right now (thanks to our Nanny Erin!), and he picks it up so quickly.  It makes it nice for us that he can communicate a little better without throwing tantrums because we don't understand what he wants.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

17 Weeks

Baby Size: 5.1" and 5.9 oz (about the size of an onion)
Fun Facts: Baby is beefing up now - putting on some fat and turning cartilage into bone
How far along: 17 weeks
Gender: Unknown (although I have my suspicions ;) 
Weight gain: 7 lbs (although I feel HUGE!! - can't really tell from the picture though)
Maternity clothes: Rocking a little bit of both - I'm moving more into the maternity style, much more comfortable!
Stretch Marks: No
Belly button in or out: Ready to pop at any moment
Sleep: Ok, still battling this cold/sinus issue which is putting a damper on my beauty sleep
Best moment this week: Getting lots of outside time with my boys this weekend.  It finally has warmed up again and it's great to have the little man outside (rather than inside completely tearing up my house!)
Miss anything: Boobs!  I still have no chest :P (Last pregnancy, I was already in a new bra size by this time, come on girls, grow!!)
Movement: Little flutters now and then
Cravings: Not being able to taste things right now puts a damper on my eating :(
Queasy or sick: Still fighting this nastiness that has invaded my body!!  It's been 2.5 weeks, I think it can find a new home now
Looking forward to: Hopefully no more rain and spring being right around the corner?!  A girl can hope right!?

Monday, March 3, 2014

Oh Mother Nature ...

Yesterday was such a gorgeous day that we couldn't resist getting outside and playing ALL day!  We spent the morning at the park, then went out for yogurt, came home and napped, then played outside some more.  Now, mother nature thinks it's a fun game to throw a winter storm warning at us with ice and freezing rain expected today.  What the heck?!?!  I'm so ready for spring to be here (I bet everyone up north is even more excited for spring).  For now, we will enjoy all the warm days while we can and stay inside and snuggle (until mama has to go to work) on this yucky rainy days.  Come on spring, we're all waiting for you :)   

Sunday, March 2, 2014

16 Weeks

Baby Size: 4.5" and 3.5 oz (about the size of an avocado)
Fun Facts: Baby can hear my voice now (uh oh!), is growing hair, lashes and eyebrows and tastebuds are beginning to form.
How far along: 16 weeks
Gender: Unknown (although I have my suspicions ;) 
Weight gain: 6 lbs (down a pound, how I'm not sure)
Maternity clothes: Some pieces (leggings, tanks)
Stretch Marks: No
Belly button in or out: In (for the moment)
Sleep: Really good - I'm thinking baby has moved because I'm no longer having to pee at night (woohoo!)
Best moment this week: Getting to hear baby's heartbeat 
Miss anything: Not this week ;)
Movement: Not yet
Cravings: I haven't had meat in 4 years, but I've been dying for a burger
Queasy or sick: Not at all
Looking forward to: Again, getting rid of this icky sickness that seems to be making itself quite comfortable in my chest and sinuses - go away, you're not welcome here anymore!!
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