
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

And the Exciting News Is ...

We got a new blog design!  And y'all thought I was pregnant again!  A big thanks to Carrie and her talented design skills for making our blog look pretty.  I feel like such a big girl now :)  Hope you guys enjoy the new design and if you're not already, make sure to follow us on Instagram (you get more than your daily dose of cuteness there)!  

 We made lots and lots of baby food this weekend in preparation for solid food time!  All in all it was a successful day and we have tons of food in the freezer for the little man to try - here's to crossing our fingers and hoping he likes them all :)  I got this cookbook for our baby shower and I absolutely love it.  It's full of so many fun recipes to try, hopefully he'll never get bored with his food.  Let's just hope I can keep it up and make everything homemade for him :)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cade's Beach Trip

Sunday night again??  Jason and I always kid with each other that it's always Monday and sure enough tomorrow is Monday again.  We had an adventure packed weekend that started off with a trip to the beach, celebrating a friends birthday, then ended with a lazy, yet productive Sunday.  Hopefully everyone else enjoyed their weekend. We sure hope our family up north is enjoying this HOT weather that y'all are getting :)

Cade did really well at the beach (aside from not wanting to nap, but who wants to nap while they're at the beach??).  He enjoyed playing with his toys and seemed to enjoy the water (minus the few waves that hit him square in the face)!

I can't get enough of this face :)

Point of exhaustion - no naps will do this to ya kid!
Stay tuned for something exciting coming soon!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Fourth of July / 5 Months

We hope everyone had an awesome Fourth that continued straight through the weekend. We definitely had a blast here.  Cade took part in his first of many fires, watched the fireworks and played in his kiddie pool.  All in all it was a fun weekend here for us, not to mention that mama was off the whole weekend with him :)

Fruity, festive drinks!

Festive marshmallows make for festive s'mores :)

Exhausted after a busy night!

Of course Stryker wanted to jump in .. He was allowed his turn after Macho Man was done :)

 We also celebrated 5 months on July 3rd.  Can y'all believe how big this little guy is getting?  He officially has rolled from back to front and I'm sure crawling will be coming soon!  His favorites from this month include his bouncer, playing with Eebee, sucking on his fingers and toes, a complete fascination with the animals and a new found interest in blocks!  We will get some more stats next month @ his 6 month check up!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Cade's East Coast Tour

It's been way too long since my last post, but things are finally calming down a little bit.  We had such an amazing time at home seeing all of our wonderful family and friends!  It went by way too quickly, but that's how vacations go :)  We are so thankful to have such a great family who traveled from far and near to meet the Macho Man.  Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts for making our trip so special!

I definitely overloaded my camera with images, but here are some a ton to share with everyone!

While we were up home, Brittany had her baby!  Sweet Kinley Grace was born on June 19th.  They are both totally uninterested in each other right now ... I'm sure that will all change in the months to come!  We are so excited for him to have a friend next door so close in age!

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