
Sunday, July 27, 2014

37 Weeks + 100th Post

Baby Size: 18.9" to 20.9 " and 6.2 to 9.2 lbs (about the size of a winter melon) 
Fun Facts: We've reached the full term mark!  Baby keeps practicing inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking.  Also gaining about 0.5 ounces each day (YIKES)!
How far along: 37 Weeks (T-16 days)
Gender: Unknown to Mama and everyone else (based on every ones predictions, it looks like pink might be in our future!)
Weight gain: I officially hit the 30 lb mark .. uh oh!
Maternity clothes: All maternity now - there's no turning back!
Stretch Marks: No
Belly button in or out: Definitely out, sometimes I think it might burst :O
Sleep: OK, just lots and lots of tossing and turning!
Best moment this week: Lots of walks and fun dates with my little man
Miss anything: Not really
Movement: TONS, lots and lots of jabs and kicks and punches
Cravings: Anything sweet, but is that really considered a craving, because I ALWAYS want something sweet!
Queasy or sick: Heartburn is at an all time high. I'm now waking up in the middle of the night to take Tums :(
Looking forward to: A haircut and pedicure on the 29th … if baby stays put until then!

I've consistently been 1cm dilated since week 35, but no changes since.  Baby is head down which is a good thing and could potentially come any day now!  If baby hasn't arrived before August 12th, we have officially set our date with the hospital to induce on the 12th. It's crazy how quickly everything has gone by and how close we are to meeting our little bambino!!

For all that have been asking - the name wall has been revealed!  We are 100% settled on a girls name (sorry to leave you guessing!!), but the boy's name is still up in the air!  We may have to wait until birth for a name if it's a boy, because we just can't decide :/

I also find it hard to believe this is my 100th post :)  It may not seem like a lot, but I'm so glad I've at least kept up with it while working full time and being a mama and wife all at the same time!  Here's to hoping for more frequent posts …. maybe!!

How cute is this comparison? It's so surreal to remember when Cade was that little :O  Soon we will have a new tiny little butt to fill those cute diapers!

I've been trying to spend as much one on one time with this little guy as possible before the new baby arrives.  Can you believe that we went to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast, and mama didn't even have donut?!?!?  I know, crazy right??  Here's to having 2 days off this upcoming week that might possibly be full of donuts and sweet treats :)

Sunday, July 20, 2014

36 Weeks

Baby Size: 17.2" to 18.7 " and 4.2 to 5.8 lbs (about the size of a honeydew) 
Fun Facts: Baby is getting closer and closer to breathing on its own. Liver, kidneys, circulation and immune system are all in working order.
How far along: 36 Weeks (T-23 days)
Gender: Unknown to Mama and everyone else (based on everyones predictions, it looks like pink might be in our future!)
Weight gain: 29 lbs (I have a feeling I'm pushing the 30lb mark with this little one!!)
Maternity clothes: All maternity now - there's no turing back!
Stretch Marks: No
Belly button in or out: Definitely out, sometimes I think it might burst :O
Sleep: OK, just lots and lots of tossing and turning!
Best moment this week: Date night with the hubby over the weekend - enjoyed way too much food and ice cream!
Miss anything: Not really
Movement: TONS, lots and lots of jabs and kicks and punches
Cravings: Anything sweet, but is that really considered a craving, because I ALWAYS want something sweet!
Queasy or sick: Heartburn is at an all time high. I'm now waking up in the middle of the night to take Tums :(
Looking forward to: Indulging myself in the homestretch!!

This kid has been an absolute blast lately!  He is a little ball of energy, which can be exhausting, but we wouldn't take it any other way.  He was loving this chair a friend of ours had out at a garage sale - although a little big for it, he was definitely relaxing and enjoying the vibration and music!  He loves to read books, give the kitties kisses, play outside and loves drawing with chalk outside and inside on his chalkboard.  We are so excited to see him as a big brother - We think he's going to be absolutely loving, caring and protective of this new little one :)

Sunday, July 13, 2014

35 Weeks

Baby Size: 17.2" to 18.7 " and 4.2 to 5.8 lbs (about the size of a coconut) 
Fun Facts: Hearing is fully developed. Also, will be putting on about a pound or more of baby fat from here on out before birth
How far along: 35 Weeks (T-30 days, YIKES)
Gender: Unknown to Mama and everyone else! 
Weight gain: 28 lbs (I have a feeling I'm pushing the 30lb mark with this little one!!)
Maternity clothes: All maternity now - there's no turing back!
Stretch Marks: No
Belly button in or out: Definitely out, sometimes I think it might burst :O
Sleep: OK, just lots and lots of tossing and turning!
Best moment this week: Starting at my new store, can we say hello less stress?!
Miss anything: Not really
Movement: TONS, lots and lots of jabs and kicks and punches
Cravings: Anything sweet, but is that really considered a craving, because I ALWAYS want something sweet!
Queasy or sick: Feeling great except this darn heartburn :O
Looking forward to: Getting everything ready and set to go for this baby

****Just for fun, leave a comment and make your predictions - PINK OR BLUE???  For added fun, add your predictions on due date too****

Someone apparently thinks he's still the baby - are we in trouble or what!?

Friday, July 4, 2014

✩ 34 Weeks and Happy Fourth ✩

Baby Size: 17.2" to 18.7 " and 4.2 to 5.8 lbs (butternut squash) 
Fun Facts: Recognizing and reacting to simple songs (which is good because we sing A LOT around here!), also urinating about a pint a day …hmmmm
How far along: 34 Weeks (T-39 days)
Gender: Unknown to Mama and everyone else! 
Weight gain: 25 lbs (I have a feeling I'm pushing the 30lb mark with this little one!!)
Maternity clothes: All maternity with a few non-maternity shirts here and there
Stretch Marks: No
Belly button in or out: Definitely out
Sleep: OK, just lots and lots of tossing and turning!
Best moment this week: Getting to spend the whole 3 day weekend with my boys!
Miss anything: Not really
Movement: Punches, kicks, jabs, dancing, this kid is a mover and a shaker!
Cravings: Anything sweet, but is that really considered a craving, because I ALWAYS want something sweet!
Queasy or sick: Feeling great except this darn heartburn :O
Looking forward to: Starting at my new store next week … EEK!

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