
Friday, February 22, 2013

 We ❤ Visitors!

It's been a busy week for us!  We've had lots of visitors (I apologize ahead of time if you're picture hasn't made it on here yet ... I'm a little slow @ uploading everything!).  Monday was our most recent visit to the doctor and everything was wonderful!  We have a happy, healthy little boy.  He gained about a pound since his last visit so he's now up to 7 lbs 10 oz (probably more now)! His head is now 14 inches and he is 20.25 inches long.  Our days consist of eating, sleeping and pooping :)  We try to read as much as possible, but this seems to tucker him out the most!  We also enjoy playing on our play mat and practicing tummy time.

Mommy and Daddy are doing great too.  We're adjusting to life with the little guy, which thankfully has been pretty easy :)  Daddy does a lot during the day and Mommy does the night duties, so it typically works out great! Hopefully soon he'll be sleeping more through the night so we can get a routine established before I have to go back to work.  But for now, we are enjoying every possible second with this little guy - he is so amazing and brings so much joy to our lives :)  I can't wait for everyone to meet him!!

We're super excited because we get to do our newborn shoot tomorrow with the wonderful Traci and Tonya from T&T Photography. We have so many fun ideas and we can't wait to see how they turn out :)  Traci will also be bringing the pictures she took from his birth, so I'm sure I'll be posting a ton more soon!  Hope everyone is enjoying the pictures :)

Aunt Amber 
Cousin Allison 
Grandpa Harold 
Camden, Griffin, Sarah and Ryan
Grandma Sandee
Play time on our play mat - Thanks Aunt Danielle :)
Cade's first snow!
He loves the girls :) Looking @ Lauren
Cheering on the Sabres
❤ Our little family (yes, we were ALL on the couch!)
Leilani and Frank (and the dogs of course)
My first real bath! Thanks Cindy and Lauren for my bath mat - we love it!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Welcome Cade ❤

Cade's Birth Story

Sorry it's taken me so long to make a post, but little Cade takes up the majority of our time now :)  The little fellow arrived on February 3, 2013 @ 3:55pm weighing in at 7lbs 3oz and 19 3/4 inches long.  I started having contractions late Friday night and needless to say I got zero sleep that night.  At around 4:30am, I the contractions were coming every 5 minutes, so I decided to shower and get myself ready.  Once Jason got up and around, the contractions had decided to slow down, so we called the doctor and she told us to wait it out, it was probably just false labor.  The contractions continued throughout the morning, but didn't start to get more intense until around 11am.  At that point, I was in pain, but the contractions weren't steady, so I was still believing that they were "false."  We went through this for the rest of the day and into the night when at about 11:00pm, I lost the rest of my mucus plug and couldn't handle the pain anymore.  Jason called the doctor and she told us to come in just to get checked out.

We made it to the hospital around 11:30 and got checked in and examined.  Sure enough, labor was in progress and I was 3.5-4cm dilated.  They started the IV and I had to have fluids run for an hour before they could start the epidural.  They also gave me some fentanyl to take the edge of some of the contractions.  Finally around 4am, I was able to get the epidural (the anesthesiologist got caught up with a surgery and another patient before me).  Shortly after that, we tried to lay down and get some sleep.  As soon as we were about to doze off a team of nurses came running into the room, putting oxygen on me and flipping me around side to side.  Cade's heart rate had dropped extremely low and they were trying to get it back up in hopes of not having to do a C-section.  We then had a nurse midwife come in and break my water as well to help things along.  My doctor had to be paged in because a C-section was thought to be necessary.  Fortunately, his heart rate went back up so we were able to avoid the OR at this point.

At 7am, the nurses had a shift change. After an exam, I was about 7-8cm and the nurse thought we should have a baby by late morning.  As the morning progressed, my contractions did not.  They were still coming regularly, but they weren't strong enough to get the baby out.  We then had to start pitocin around 10 to try to get the contractions stronger to help Cade out.  We had a 2 hour time limit for the pitocin to work or else we would have to have a C-section. After about 90 minutes, the pitocin had started to work.  I was 10cm dilated and it was time to push.  After a couple of pushes, Cade's heart rate started to drop again, so we had to labor down at that point and let gravity try to bring him down.  Finally around 3:30, they decided it was time to go.  The doctor had to use the vacuum to help get him out quicker because his heart rate kept dropping.  After we got his head out, we found out that the cord was wrapped tightly around his neck which was the cause of the heart rate dropping.  The doctor ever so calmly clamped and cut the cord without missing a beat and got him out safe and sound!  Jason and I were so extremely grateful for such an amazing doctor and a wonderful team of nurses who were in charge the entire time and kept us calm for a safe delivery :)

So after spending the next 2 days in the hospital, we were free to go home!  Here's some pictures from the first week.  My hope is that I will still be able to keep everyone updated through the blog on a weekly basis - be prepared to be bombarded with pictures and an overload of cuteness! 
First bath in the hospital
Just staring at Daddy
Ready to go home!
Our first walk
Trying to open my eyes!
First bath at home
Hanging with Mommy
Sleeping like a Champ
Celebrating his 1 week birthday with a cupcake - yummy!

Friday, February 1, 2013

38 Weeks 2 Days

Welcome February and welcome Cade's birth month!  We're so excited that Cade's arrival is just around the corner (hopefully - 12 days to go until the due date)!  At my last appointment on Thursday my cervix was still closed and there was no dilation.  On a good note, the doc said is still head down and engaged which is mainly what she looks for ... here's to hoping he comes out sooner rather than later!

This week Cade is the size of a pumpkin.  He can be as long as 20.9 inches and weigh anywhere from 6.2 to 9.2 pounds.  Hopefully he's on the smaller end of that range!  He's all ready to function outside the womb and he may even have an inch or so of hair on his head :)

On a side note, Dunkin Donuts has some awesome Valentine's Donuts out right now - 2 heart shaped ones that have a boston cream filling or a brownie batter filling (I highly recommend the brownie batter filling).

Our changing pad cover finally arrived today and that was the last piece I was waiting on for the nursery.  I spoiled myself with a pedicure today (and a donut), so as far as I'm concerned he can come out any day now ... this mamma is ready!!
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