TWO Month Update
Cade has his two month check up with Dr. Smith yesterday and it went great (other than the shots that the poor little man had to get). He's definitely on the smaller side, but I'm sure he'll start to fill out :) Here's some stats from his most recent visit:
Height: 21.75 inches / 7th percentile
Weight: 10 lbs on the dot / 8th percentile
Head: 14.75 inches / 11th percentile
He got a total of 6 vaccines today - 3 shots (Hep B, DTap, IPV, HIB, and PCV13) and 1 oral. He chugged the Rotavirus vaccine down like a champ and did well with his first shot. Then reality sunk in once he realized what was happening and the water works started! His nurse was fantastic though and worked quickly and efficiently so it was over before we knew it. On the bright side, he did get 2 Charlie Brown band-aids for his battle wounds!
We hope everyone is doing well and preparing for the weekend. It's finally starting to warm up here and I'm sure warmer weather is in store for ya'll :) Our blueberry bushes are in bloom and hopefully next weekend we will get to plant the garden!
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