
Friday, December 28, 2012

33 Weeks 2 Days

I'm definitely sad to say that Christmas is over, but boy am I happy to have my house put back together!  We had a great time down here in NC with my dad (although we missed everyone back at home).  I had to work on Christmas day, but we still managed to have a nice dinner (with cookies for desert), get some Skype time in and sit by a fire (yes it was that warm here!).  This mama definitely ate one too many cookies over the holidays!  I still have a freezer full of cookies too ... maybe I should scale down next year :)

This week Cade is the size of a durian (which apparently is a stinky fruit from Asia).  He's weighing anywhere from 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measuring as long as 18.7 inches.  This week his bones are hardening and his working on his sucking and swallowing skills.  His brain also continues to develop to prepare him for the outside world.

 Here's some pictures from Christmas day. Pacer couldn't care less about the festivities whereas Stryker and Pop Tart had to be a part of everything that was going on :)  In the bottom picture they are both eagerly waiting for me to share my jelly bellies with them (I did of course)!

Hope everyone's holidays were just as enjoyable :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

32 Weeks 4 days

Merry Christmas Y'all (yes I know .. I'm a couple of days early)!  The Worthington household is definitely prepared for the holidays ... all the shopping is done, presents are wrapped and cookies are made (of course that's the most important part right now!).  Now if only all of our family could be down here with us to celebrate :)

This week Cade seems to be growing like a weed.  He's the size of squash this week, weighing anywhere from 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and growing as long as 16.7 inches.  He has been quite active these past few days, definitely letting me know that he's running out of space!  Heartburn has reared its ugly head this week and I keep popping Tums like they're going out of style ... maybe Santa will bring some for Christmas :)
 We put the finishing touches on his room this weekend .. we added a shelf so we could put some pictures and the piggy bank up there.

We also had a 3D ultrasound done on Friday - this was by far one of the coolest things we've gotten to see this far (technology is amazing)!  A big thanks to Willowdean @ My Womb with a View for Capturing all of these great shots :)  We got to see his eyes open and his little tongue stick out.  He also really wanted us to know that he was a BOY for sure ... he started off with both legs close to his head showing off his boy parts! (he'll hate me later for those pictures, but I find them cute right now)  At the end he decided that he'd had enough and kept putting his hand in front of his face!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

31 Weeks 3 Days
 31 weeks and going strong (only 60 days to go)!  Only 10 days to Christmas too!  I'll be sad once Christmas is over and I won't get to decorate the board as festively anymore :(

This week Cade is as big as a pineapple.  He can be anywhere from 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weigh between 2.5 and 3.8 pounds.  This week he's undergoing major brain and nerve development.  His eyes now react to light and all 5 senses are in working order!  He's definitely getting prepared to make his debut :)

I finally started to feel better this week, so I got lots of baking done and preparing for the little man's arrival.  We have the room organized and I was able to wash all his clothes (up to about 3 months).  We also got our rocker in (YAY!) and it is so soft and comfortable ... I'm sure we will be spending a lot of time here.
Again, notice the little brat trying to get into the toys.

I was finally able to add some of the pictures from the shower (thanks Aunt Molly for capturing all of the special moments!).  Here's a preview of some of the pictures - thank you again to all of our family and friends who made it out and spoiled Cade :)  We appreciate you all so much!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

30 Weeks 3 Days
I can't believe we're at 30 weeks already!  Only 10 more to go until the little man arrives :)  Sorry for the PJ pic, but I've been ordered to rest all weekend in hopes to get over whatever has gotten me down!

This week Cade is apparently as big as a cucumber (I'm guessing a really big cucumber?!).  He is measuring about 15.7" and weighs about 3 pounds.  This week Cade's skin is getting smoother and his brain is getting wrinklier.  He's even strong enough to grasp a finger!
 His room is an absolute disaster now!  We've been trying to put everything together, but we seem to be running out of room very quickly.  I'm going to have to go into organization mode really soon!  We're super excited because our rocker arrives Tuesday - hooray :)  I ordered it back in October, so it seems like it's taking forever to get here!  Pictures to come once it arrives.  Hopefully I'll have pictures up of the shower soon (thanks Aunt Molly for all the wonderful shots!).

On another side note, we have a little stinker to deal with.  He apparently thinks that these are all of HIS toys.  I caught him today with a rubber ducky in his mouth!  Who can blame him though ... all of the baby toys look, feel and sound just like his toys!  

Saturday, December 1, 2012

29 Weeks 3 Days

Happy December everyone :)  We're super excited to get the holidays rolling around the Worthington house (as you'll see from the pictures below)!

This week Cade is the size of an acorn squash.  He is approximately 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and can be as long as 16.7 inches.  It's getting kind of cramped in there for him and this mamma is definitely feeling all the little man's moves :)  You can actually feel his limbs now when he's moving around (not sure which ones though)!

We were finally able to get our tree decorated today.  We downsized to a smaller tree this year seeing how last years was a pain in the rear end getting out once Christmas was over!

All of our other children were preparing for the holidays too :)  I think Pop Tart looks to be the only one who is content wearing his Santa hat.  The other two just tolerate their crazy parents and the things we do to them!

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