
Monday, September 8, 2014

Paxton Owen {1 Month}

The Ultimate Warrior is ONE month!  Time flies by so quickly when you have two, it's unbelievable :) We are trying to savor every single second with these two, because they are growing and changing so much on a daily basis.  It's so important to be present and in the moment otherwise you miss so much!

We won't have an appointment until 2 months, but here were the little guys stats from his 2 week visit:

Weight: 8lbs 7oz // 44th percentile
Height: 20.75" // 58th percentile
Head: 14" // 40th percentile

If I had to guess, I would put him at around 9 or 10 lbs now.  He is quite the little chunker!  

This guy loves to eat.  He typically eats about every 3 hours during the day {although, we do have times where he thinks he needs to eat every 2 hours}.  At night, he typically has his last feeding around 7 or 8, then we sleep until 2.  He eats, then will give me another 3 or 4 hours until he's ready to eat again.  Breastfeeding has been a lot easier this time around and it seems like my body is producing a lot more.  It could be because I've been using a combination of Fenugreek, Mother's Milk Tea and Brewer's Yeast to help boost supply, or it could be that we feed on demand.  Either way, I'm not complaining because I have plenty to feed the hungry hippo + I've been able to stash away quite a bit so I won't be as stressed when I go back to work.

So far, we really have no routine during the day.  This little guy sleeps whenever and is awake whenever he feels like it.  It is working out great for us and is so much easier not stressing about a routine. With Cade, we were very regimented, making sure he ate every 3 hours, slept so many hours, etc.  He typically sleeps about 6 to 7 hours after his last feed, then will give me another 3 to 4 hours after his middle of the night feeding.  I've been able to fall back to sleep while nursing him at night, so I honestly don't feel tired when it's time to get up in the morning.  I'm crossing my fingers that he stays on this schedule because it has been such a breeze!

Pax is able to now roll from tummy to back, grasp objects and loves to look at himself in the mirror (I wonder where he gets that from!)  He seems to enjoy tummy time until his big brother accidentally steps on him or decides to lay on him, then he thinks it's time to be on his back.  As I've mentioned before, this guy is such a sweet, sweet snuggle bunny and I cannot get enough of it!  He loves to cozy up on my chest and nuzzle his little head into my neck {so, so sweet}!!

Happy one month sweet boy :)

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