
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Let the Fun Begin

Seriously, when did this child grow up??  We no longer use the high chair, as you can see, because it's much more fun to give Mama and Daddy a heart attack every time we climb up the chair, won't sit on the chair and try to get off the chair.  I think I've become used to it now, but Jason stills gets nervous when he does it!  I'm not sure if it's just a fad, but he seems to eat much better we he sits at the chair - maybe it's the feeling of independence or just a part of growing up, either way I'll take it.  

Pax celebrated his 6 week birthday today, yes 6 weeks.  I'm thrilled to say that we have all survived the first 6 weeks - Pax still has all his body parts and has gotten quite used tolerant to all the poking and prodding by big brother.  He's so much bigger than Cade was at this point.  I packed his newborn clothes away a couple of weeks ago and most of his 0-3 month clothes will be outgrown before I know it :(  I'm thinking we're moving on to 3-6 months within the next couple of weeks.  He's not only a chunky monkey, but he seems to be very long!  We are just so thankful that he's healthy and happy and apparently has a great appetite.   

We took on potty training today which was a big step for us.  I've been putting it off for a few weeks now, constantly making excuses as to why we didn't start. To be honest, I've been terrified to start, but I figured what the hell, today is as good as any other day.  We opted for the little potty because we seem to have extra tall toilets which makes it difficult for him to get on, even with a stool.  I was a bit grossed out at the idea of having the empty the bin and clean it, but whatever works at this point!  We checked out a book about using the potty from the library and read it last night (over and over and over).  Today (as you can see by the pictures) we were sans diaper and went for it.  We peed on the potty once, peed in our wagon once and randomly got into the bathtub and peed in there once.  I guess this can be considered progress?!  I wasn't sure how to handle naps, so I just put him in a diaper and he woke up with both pee and poo - but it wasn't on my floor, so I'm ok with that.  I think we'll start working on the whole sleeping thing once we get potty time during the day down.  Not sure if that's the most correct way to do it, but hey this raising kids thing seems like just one big experiment ;)

Here's to hoping that he gets the hang of it and we can actually venture out of the house without mama having a nervous breakdown!  

You mean not everyone eats lunch with no pants?!?

Come on mama, enough is enough!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fun at Marbles

We had such a fun time a couple of weeks ago at Marbles (sorry, just getting around to posting pictures!  My day, Aunt Patty, Grandma Doris and niece Natalee came to visit us, so we decided what better place to go then Marbles!  Plus, this gave Daddy some alone time so he could watch the Bills season opener in peace :)  Natalee and Cade had an absolute blast playing with everything in sight.  The place is HUGE and we weren't able to hit every station before they closed, so next time we'll have to go a bit earlier to get it all in!  There are so many interactive things for the kiddos to do, it makes rainy days and hot NC days much more enjoyable.  The best part is watching the kids use their imaginations, which in the days of TV and iPads, you rarely see anymore!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Paxton Owen {1 Month}

The Ultimate Warrior is ONE month!  Time flies by so quickly when you have two, it's unbelievable :) We are trying to savor every single second with these two, because they are growing and changing so much on a daily basis.  It's so important to be present and in the moment otherwise you miss so much!

We won't have an appointment until 2 months, but here were the little guys stats from his 2 week visit:

Weight: 8lbs 7oz // 44th percentile
Height: 20.75" // 58th percentile
Head: 14" // 40th percentile

If I had to guess, I would put him at around 9 or 10 lbs now.  He is quite the little chunker!  

This guy loves to eat.  He typically eats about every 3 hours during the day {although, we do have times where he thinks he needs to eat every 2 hours}.  At night, he typically has his last feeding around 7 or 8, then we sleep until 2.  He eats, then will give me another 3 or 4 hours until he's ready to eat again.  Breastfeeding has been a lot easier this time around and it seems like my body is producing a lot more.  It could be because I've been using a combination of Fenugreek, Mother's Milk Tea and Brewer's Yeast to help boost supply, or it could be that we feed on demand.  Either way, I'm not complaining because I have plenty to feed the hungry hippo + I've been able to stash away quite a bit so I won't be as stressed when I go back to work.

So far, we really have no routine during the day.  This little guy sleeps whenever and is awake whenever he feels like it.  It is working out great for us and is so much easier not stressing about a routine. With Cade, we were very regimented, making sure he ate every 3 hours, slept so many hours, etc.  He typically sleeps about 6 to 7 hours after his last feed, then will give me another 3 to 4 hours after his middle of the night feeding.  I've been able to fall back to sleep while nursing him at night, so I honestly don't feel tired when it's time to get up in the morning.  I'm crossing my fingers that he stays on this schedule because it has been such a breeze!

Pax is able to now roll from tummy to back, grasp objects and loves to look at himself in the mirror (I wonder where he gets that from!)  He seems to enjoy tummy time until his big brother accidentally steps on him or decides to lay on him, then he thinks it's time to be on his back.  As I've mentioned before, this guy is such a sweet, sweet snuggle bunny and I cannot get enough of it!  He loves to cozy up on my chest and nuzzle his little head into my neck {so, so sweet}!!

Happy one month sweet boy :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Life Lately

Where to begin?!  Life has been crazy, but a blast lately with these two little guys!  We've been trying to occupy our days with trips to the park, ice cream runs (mama's never going to lose this weight), pool play dates and as much playing outside as we possibly can before summer is officially over.  However, with the weather lately, it looks like the warmer temps are hanging on!  We love it when 4 rolls around and Daddy comes home to lend a helping hand :)  

I can't believe that tomorrow, Cade will be 19 months and 4 days after that I will have a one month old.  I LOVE watching these two little guys grow, but holy heck, time needs to slow down :)  Paxton seems to be growing like a weed lately and eating and eating and eating and eating.  He is definitely very similar to Cade as a baby, but also has his own little personality.  Pax is very laid back and chill, but loves to snuggle and fall asleep in someone's arms.  Cade just like to hang out, not much of a snuggle bunny.  Pax also seems to cry a little more than Cade, but I think he's realized early that he needs to be very vocal in order to be heard around this joint!  Cade has been going through a hitting/biting stage recently, so if anyone has any suggestions on how to overcome this, it would be GREAT :)  You can only try so much of what you read on the internet, but it's always helpful to get other opinions from parents who have gone through this!

On a side note, our house is officially on the market - EEK!  I did get a little sad when the sign when up, but we can just blame that on the post-pregnancy hormones, right?!  Fingers crossed for a quick and easy sale (along with a timely completion of the new house).  

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day Weekend!  For some reason, I'm holding on to summer just as long as I can this year.  Fall can hold off for just a few more weeks ;)

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