
Sunday, November 11, 2012

26 weeks 4 days

We're down to double digits now until Baby W's arrival (94 days to be exact, but who's counting)!  This week baby is the size of a head of lettuce - although he looks and feels like a basketball :O

The baby can be anywhere from 1.5 to 2.5 pounds now and up to 14.8 inches in length.  His eyes are forming and will soon start opening.  Eyelashes are now fully formed as well.  He's also practicing his breathing skills (even though there's no air to take in yet)!

I'm still feeling great.  I was bad about answering previous comments, but my sleep is still really good (knock on wood) and I still can get around and exercise like normal (even though it may take a little more out of me)!  The only issue that I've run into so far is a little bit of back trouble, but I'm sure it's from standing for 8+ hours a day and all the weight being in front of me :)

I had to take a picture of the adorable car seat - I'm in LOVE with it!  I also have to give a big thanks to Aunt Molly, Uncle Kevin, Uncle Joe and Grandma for this and the other car seat accessories.  Silly Amazon didn't do a good job at listing everyone that was so generous!  Can't wait to see the little one in this!

I was busy last week with some sewing projects - I made Baby W his first baby blanket - it's not perfect, but I think it turned out pretty good for my first try :)  I sure hope he loves it as much as me!


We were lucky to get away this weekend to Asheville.  We went on an awesome hike Saturday morning @ the NC Arboretum and then spent the afternoon walking around shopping.  We had such a fun time and it was nice to get away for a few days!  Asheville is a great place for vegans/vegetarians - they had so many food options for us, it was fantastic!  We also found this cute children's book about being vegetarian which will hopefully help Baby W understand the choices that we've made :)

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