
Sunday, November 23, 2014

House Update + Life Lately

Hello. It's been a while :(  Life has been taken to an extreme level of crazy lately.  Not quite sure what we were thinking when we thought it was a good idea to build a new house, have a baby and try to be in said new house by Christmas.  Our lives have been one constant to-do list, which instead of getting shorter, gets longer by the day.  

We are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel now.  We are hopefully only about a week away from finishing (but we'll say 2 weeks because we know how everything goes with building).  We are just waiting for them to finish a few minor things, then hopefully we'll get the go ahead to close and move in.  I am quite proud of myself because we have Christmas shopping mostly completed with only a few things for the boys needing to be picked up, so that's one less thing to have to worry about.

This weekend was spent doing lots of shopping and prepping for Thanksgiving on Thursday.  I managed to squeeze in some Christmas cookie baking too.  Cade is beyond excited for his Papa's to arrive on Tuesday.  They get to stay for almost a week, so maybe Mama and Daddy can get a date night?!?!  It's been a while :)  We are also just excited to get some help with some last minute things that need to be done with the new house.

We attempted our Christmas pictures on Friday and that turned into a total shit show.  Bribery at it's finest didn't work and I ran out of ideas.  Welcome to the terrible twos.  At least we had one cooperative child.  I have no doubt thought that the amazing Traci will manage to pull out a few good ones ;)

Little man trying to take pictures of his brother just like Mama did :)

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Paxton Owen {3 Months}

Wow POW, slow down!!  We've hit the three month mark already, even though it only feels like he should be a month old still.  We have no new stats to report on, but we will go in for our checkup next month, so I'm curious to see where this little big guy stands.  For now, we'll update you on the day to day stuff :)

It's very apparent that he still likes to eat a lot!  He's still exclusively breastfed and is growing like a weed!  He typically eats every 3 hours still {at least when I'm home}, but goes for longer stretches at night.  I've changed my work schedule, so I usually work 2-10 and this little guy will typically only eat once during that period, then I feed him when I get home.  I'm still pumping every 3-4 hours at work, so my freezer stash is outgrowing the designated shelf space, not that I'm complaining about that though!  Hopefully he'll want to start eating every 4 hours so we have a little more time :)

This guy is a sleeping champ, especially with his crazy big brother in the house!  I don't have him on any type of schedule yet, so he sleeps periodically throughout the day, then he usually goes down around 8 for the night.  If I'm working, I usually feed him when I get home around 11, if not he usually eats around 8.  He will typically sleep until 4, eats, then goes back to sleep until around 7.  Let's hope that this sleeping thing continues for us!

We are still working on tummy time, although he seems to be getting really aggravated with it lately!  I think he forgets that he knows how to roll over, so we end up with our face in the mat screaming and crying until Mama flips him over.  He loves spending time in his bumbo and wriggles around to watch everything that's going on.  He is such a busy body - his legs and arms are always going a mile a minute when he's not sleeping!  I think he's just trying to figure out a way to keep up with Cade, but I'm totally cherishing our days of limited mobility :)  Once this little one starts to move, we're so in for it!!  He's also starting to show interest in some of his toys.  We pulled out Sophie the giraffe and he seems to enjoy chewing on her quite a bit.  He also likes Mortimer the Moose and other crinkly, soft, crunchy toys.

Happy three months to our sweet little boy!

Quite possibly my favorite picture - I am in love with this little expression :)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Halloween

I know, it's late. Did you expect anything else from me!?  We had a low key Halloween here hanging out with Memaw and Papa while mama worked the night away.  We decided against taking Cade out this year.  I still think he's a bit too young and there's always the candy dilemma. He's going to get candy, he's going to want to eat it.  I won't want him to eat it.  I will hide eat it and feel cruddy.  I will throw the candy away and feel guilty.  Maybe next year??? 

We carved pumpkins with the little ones {or should we say they watched} Thursday night.  I made a fun Elmo face for Cade as he is completely obsessed with Elmo right now (so much for no TV for this kid)! We started off Halloween morning with a festive breakfast, then spent the majority of the afternoon outside playing before I had to head into work.  We all enjoyed Memaw and Papa's visit - Mama and Daddy even got a little time out to go to a party on Saturday night :)

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