
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ice Cream Cones & Moon Sand

Whew. What a busy, fun day off we had.  Our day started at 4:45am, when this little guy thought it was acceptable to wake up. But as the say, the early bird gets the worm, right?! We met up with my girlfriend Amy and her little boy Hudson at Starbucks for some coffee and breakfast, we ran some errands and made it home just in time for a nap. I was able to sneak off to my Doctor appointment while he slept (baby checked out great, measuring right on track at 29 weeks and HB at 153 bpm).

Mama made it home just in time for little man to wake up.  We spent the afternoon making moon sand (moldable sand), which was super fun and super easy!  Here's the recipe in case anyone is interested -

8cups of flour
1cup of baby oil

Put all ingredients in a plastic container (preferably one with a lid for easy storage) and mix it up with your hands.  We made about 2.5 times the original recipe which worked out great for us.  Add some sand toys and you'll have entertainment for hours!   Did I mention how wonderful this smells?!

Cade absolutely loved this, but beware, they may want to take their sand and deposit it elsewhere, making your container dwindle very fast :). Also, for some odd reason, the dogs thought this was the most delicious stuff ever. Gross. I'm sure the flour wouldn't hurt them, but I can't imagine that baby oil would be good for dogs, but we all know that my dogs have eaten much worse things.

After our adventures playing with sand, we made an ice cream cone with sprinkles.  He of course loved it and did surprisingly well with it, only getting half on his shirt (mama forgot a bib #momfail)!  I'm sure our summer will be full of a lot of sand and many, many more ice cream cones . YUM.

Monday, May 26, 2014

28 Weeks

Baby Size: 13.6" to 14.8 " and 1.5 to 2.5 lbs (about the size of an eggplant)
Fun Facts: Baby is starting to develop more fat which will smooth out that wrinkly skin. Baby W's lungs are also mature enough to ensure a pretty good survival rate if born today.
How far along: 28 Weeks
Gender: Unknown to Mama and everyone else! 
Weight gain: 21 lbs
Maternity clothes: All maternity with a few non-maternity shirts here and there
Stretch Marks: No
Belly button in or out: Definitely out
Sleep: Meh 
Best moment this week: Enjoying our beautiful weekend with great weather - we had our first fire of the season with lots and lots of s'mores!!
Miss anything: ENERGY!!
Movement: This baby is a dancing machine
Cravings: None really
Queasy or sick: Stills tons of heartburn .... BOO!
Looking forward to: More fires and more s'mores to fill our summer nights 

This guy had a blast this weekend.  We had fun playing with our water table, playing in our pool, and of course playing in any type of dirt we could find!  We found a new walking trail over the weekend and took a nice long trek to burn off all the s'mores I ate on Saturday night :)  We hope everyone had as much fun as we did this weekend.  Happy Memorial Day y'all!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

27 Weeks

Baby Size: 13.6" to 14.8 " and 1.5 to 2.5 lbs (about the size of a rutabaga)
Fun Facts: Baby is still working on breathing this week.  The brain is also showing activity - becoming smarter and smarter every day!
How far along: 27 Weeks
Gender: Unknown to Mama and everyone else! 
Weight gain: 20 lbs
Maternity clothes: All maternity with a few non-maternity shirts here and there
Stretch Marks: No
Belly button in or out: Definitely out
Sleep: Good
Best moment this week: Spending all day today with my two boys celebrating Daddy's birthday!
Miss anything: Nothing in particular
Movement: This baby is a dancing machine
Cravings: None really
Queasy or sick: Stills tons of heartburn .... BOO!
Looking forward to: Memorial Day Weekend, which will hopefully be long, lazy and full of fun outdoor activities

Friday, May 16, 2014


As promised, but a little late, here's some pictures from our Mexican adventure!  All in all, we had a great trip.  Little man was GREAT on the airplane - I refuse (at least at this point) to entertain him with and iPad and other technology to keep him quiet, so we had books, play dough, crayons and coloring books, card stock with lots of different textures (pipe cleaners, buttons, feathers, foam stickers ...).  That though is another rant for another day :)  On the way back, he slept the entire trip (minus the last few minutes).

He absolutely LOVES the water, the sand, the ocean and anything to do with being outside during this warm weather.  Hope everyone enjoys :)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

26 Weeks

Baby Size: 13.6" to 14.8 " and 1.5 to 2.5 lbs (about the size of a head of lettuce)
Fun Facts: Eyes are forming and eyelashes are grown, stealing lots of antibodies from mama, and she's breathing (only amniotic fluid right now)
How far along: 26 weeks, only one more week left in the 2nd trimester :O
Gender: Unknown to Mama and everyone else! 
Weight gain: 19 lbs
Maternity clothes: All maternity with a few non-maternity shirts here and there
Stretch Marks: No
Belly button in or out: Definitely out
Sleep: Can't complain :)
Best moment this week: Spending mother's day with my two favorite boys (and of course all of my four legged cuddle bugs)
Miss anything: An ice cold beverage!
Movement: This baby is a dancing machine
Cravings: None really
Queasy or sick: Lots of heartburn this week, turning into more acid reflux ... :(
Looking forward to: Daddy's birthday next weekend!  Can't wait to celebrate the day with him and the little man!!!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

25 Weeks

Baby Size: 13.6" to 14.8 " and 1.5 to 2.5 lbs (about the size of a cauliflower)
Fun Facts: Baby knows which way is up and down. Starting to put on more fat and grow some hair!
How far along: 25 weeks (100 days left .. EEK!!)
Gender: Unknown to Mama and everyone else! 
Weight gain: 19 lbs
Maternity clothes: All maternity with a few non-maternity shirts here and there
Stretch Marks: No
Belly button in or out: Definitely out
Sleep: Can't complain :)
Best moment this week: Passing my glucose tolerance test!
Miss anything: BEER :-P
Movement: Getting kicked in the bladder a lot this week
Cravings: Anything containing chocolate
Queasy or sick: Nope
Looking forward to: Mother's Day and spending it with my favorite boys
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