Wow. Have we been busy with project after project around this house and the old house. We (Jason) has been finishing up everything with the old house repairs, getting things ready for the new buyers who move in this weekend. YAY for that being over with! We seem to have a never ending to-do list at this house. I finally completed one of my projects which was painting our Ikea table to match our decor. The original table was just a plain wood finish, so after doing some research and seeing tons of people either painting or staining it, I decided to go for it! I am so happy that I painted it {even though it took incredibly too long} and hopefully it will hold up to the wear and tear of these two boys :) I also got the majority of Cade's birthday decor made and just have a couple of more things to finish up. If only I could get the rest of this house in order. Baby steps :/
We attempted oatmeal with Pax this weekend too. It was less than enjoyable for him! He would get so excited when the spoon came towards him, but then spit everything back out at me with the most god awful expression on his face. Apparently, I was a terrible person for trying to feed him that! We did try again today and had much better luck, he ate most of the bowl that I made for him. I think we will just stick with oatmeal for the next little while and start to introduce more food at the 6 month mark. I plan on doing the baby led weaning that I did with Cade {you can read all about baby led weaning HERE}.
Cade got a haircut on Saturday in preparation for his big birthday celebration. I am still having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that he will be TWO in two weeks. It's so incredible to see him grow and blossom into a toddler, but it makes me a little emotional thinking of how quickly he grows up :( We've decided to jump back on the potty training wagon {more to come in a later post}. He does really well for the nanny, but seems to forget to tell Mama and Daddy when he has to go, so we've been ending up with a lot of accidents. I decided to keep going this time though, I think he's ready and I don't want to confuse him anymore by starting and stopping. Here's to hoping he really gets it this time around :)