
Sunday, December 22, 2013

We're Back!

Sorry for being MIA for so long!  To say things have been crazy here would be a complete understatement.  Once we got back from our lovely visit up North, our days have been full of chasing the wild creature, finishing up  the last of the cookies, wrapping presents and Christmas movies on repeat!  I have been fortunate enough to have off until the 27th, so I'm soaking up every single second with this little man!

We hope everyone is all set for the holidays  Hopefully y'all have been good and Santa will bring everyone lots of goodies :) Much love from ours to yours during this holiday season!

P.S. - Cheerios can keep your baby entertained for hours on a plane. Don't leave home without them :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

TEN Months

Ten months. Ten months. Ten months.  Where is the pause button??  It's hard to believe that in just 2 short months this little guy will be ONE.  I wish I could make time slow down just to cherish every single little moment with him.  Thank goodness that we only have two more months of photo shoots because he wants absolutely nothing to do with sitting still long enough for me to capture his picture.  I thought the lights would be a fun touch, but he absolutely hated them and crawled away as fast as possible.  Oh well, maybe next year.

This little man has been babbling up a storm lately, with his latest ramblings being mamamamama.  It just melts my heart!  He's been able to say dada for a LONG time now, so it's only fair that it's my turn :)  I'm sure we aren't far away from walking either - he loves to push around everything that he can.  He's even getting brave and taking a few steps on his own, but then usually falls on his butt.  We've been gearing up for the Christmas season with lots of shopping, decorating and baking.  I'm so excited to have him around for the holidays, it just makes everything extra special!

Hopefully everyone up North is dealing with the lovely snow.  It's been beautiful down here (not rubbing it in or anything)!  The forecast for this week is great too - we are supposed to be in the 60's.  WOOHOO!  

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving Recap

We hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving!  We had a great one here (although we were sad that stupid Mother Nature derailed the Papa's travel plans and left them up north).  This little cutie enjoyed shoveling his face full of Tom Tofu, veggies, mashed potatoes, crackers and anything else he could get his little hands on.  Aunt Leilani, Uncle Frank and Bettie came over Thursday night for some dessert, drinks, football, and of course hanging out with the little man.  We ate so much I'm surprised any of us were able to move!  We took it easy Friday morning and skipped the black Friday shopping and just went to pick out our Christmas tree.  The weather was a little chilly, but beautiful with the sun shining down bright.  

We plan on decorating the Christmas tree this weekend and can't wait to see what the little man thinks of it!  I had been eyeing this tree collar from Crate and Barrel, but apparently the rest of the world didn't eye it and bought it :(  But, I was lucky enough to have an awesome hubby and made me my very own!  Happy beginning of the holiday season!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Here Come the Holidays!

What a fun and busy weekend we had here! Little man went for his second haircut on Friday (yes, second which is crazy). We managed to squeeze in a little Christmas shopping and grocery shopping to prep for Thanksgiving. I got a little crafty too creating some new frames for all the pictures we have of the little guy ($4 clearance frames because they were a little dinged up + $2 in paint = sparkly new frames). Oh how I love a bargain!

Next up, we went for our Christmas shoot on Saturday with Traci (who is absolutely amazing) from T&T Photography.  I am so exited to see how they turn out, but they will be kept secret until Christmas cards go out! 

We kept everything low key on Sunday and started to put up our Christmas decorations (Cade's room included). We choose to go really simple this year, mostly because we have a small creature who gets into everything now :) I think I have scarred him from ever wanting to see Santa though .... Every Santa that I put in front of him seemed to evoke fear :( Not so sure we will visit Santa this year #sorrysanta

We hope y'all are enjoying the prep for Thanksgiving. We are so excited, only 3 more days until Cade's Papas get here! I am trying to make every holiday as special as possible for this awesome little guy :)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

November November

Wow, I can't believe that November is half way over!  Christmas will be here before we know it ... EEEEK!  I have not pulled out the Christmas decorations yet, although I'm pretty sure that will happen next weekend. Since Thanksgiving is late this year, Christmas decorations should go up early, right?!  This household will be pretty busy between decorating for Christmas, Christmas pictures and prepping for Thanksgiving (and lots of cookie baking in between)!

We are so excited that both of Cade's Papa's will be driving down to enjoy Thanksgiving with us.  It means the world to be around family for the holidays and we can't wait for these 2 crazy guys to get here to spend time with us!

We took a trip to Asheville last weekend and I of course neglected to take pictures :(  We had a blast shopping around all the little areas, eating AMAZING food and just having Cade with us while we enjoyed one of our favorite places.

I couldn't resist ... matching PJs!! (his butt is way cuter than mine)

Two little turkeys!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

9 Months

Oh.My.Goodness.  9 months old today!!  Cue the birthday countdown.  He's been out almost as long as he was in my belly :)  We had a fun shoot today, but the little stinker will NOT sit still for pictures anymore unless he has something in his hands to entertain him.  Although, I was able to snap a few cute ones of him and Pacer as they both tried to gaze out the window.

We had little man's 9 month check-up on Thursday and he's doing great!  He weighed in at 19lbs 6.8 oz (47th percentile) and stands only 26.5 inches (2nd percentile).  He is currently babbling up a storm and loves to say Dada all day long.  He is still fascinated by the animals and has now figured out how to chase them around the house when he's in his walker (something that Styrker and Pop Tart HATE)!  He has officially started moving back and forth between furniture pieces and even tries to stand on his own.  I'm getting a little nervous for the day he starts walking (I hear that's when all the fun trouble starts).  He LOVES food and eats everything that is put in front of his chubby little cheeks.  He really dislikes when his Mama or Daddy try to feed him because he thinks he should be able to do it himself!

We also got a new shipment of diapers this week, which has been by far our favorite yet!  This month's patterns included chipmunks, tree stumps & deer, and a fun orange pattern.  If that doesn't get you in the fall mood, I'm not sure what will.  I'm so excited to see what type of winter patterns they will come out with :)

We had a low key Halloween here.  It was absolutely gorgeous here, so we took advantage of the weather by running some errands and trying to get some Christmas shopping done (yes, Christmas shopping).  Brittany and Miss Kinley came over so we could have a little Halloween photo shoot with the kiddos.  We then went to our friends house and hung out Halloween night so the little guy could see the trick-or-treaters.

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